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Sacra pagina 8 - second corinthians

Sacra pagina 8 - second corinthians

Code: 9780814659717

€ 31.00


Publisher: Sacra Pagina Series
Author: Jan Lambrecht
Size: 17x38cm



Regarded as the most personal of Paul's letters the Second Letter to the Corinthians is highly significant theologically as well as autobiographically. Paul fiercely counters the attacks of his opponents. He also extensively describes both the quality and circumstances of his apostolic existence: the sufferings he endures the opposition he encounters and his continual care for the churches. Second Corinthians reveals Paul's ongoing reflection on his ministry. It is both profound in its content and style for its original audience as well as for today's readers. This commentary argues for the integrity of Second Corinthians. Verse-by-verse analysis is followed by in-depth theological explanation.

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