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Ir-iv volum: ilwien il-festi maltin - colours of maltese festas

Ir-iv volum: ilwien il-festi maltin - colours of maltese festas

Code: 9789995784218

€ 45.00


Publisher: n/a
Author: Mark Micallef (fotografija);Andrew Borg (editur)
Size: 21.5x31cm


Maltese & English
includes Full-Colour Photographic Illustrations.
Ħadd ma jista' jiħad li l-festi Maltin huma element importanti tal-identità Maltija. Il-barranin li jżuruna jgħoxew wara dawn iċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet imlewna u spettakolari li qajla jaraw bħalhom f'imkejjen oħra madwar id-dinja.
Dan il-ktieb jiċċelebra l-ġmiel tal-festi Maltin billi joffri lill-qarrej rappreżentazzjoni fotografika ta' dak kollu li jagħmel il-festa Maltija. Din id-damma ta' ritratti hi frott il-ħidma ta' fotografu ħabrieki u dilettant kbir tal-festi.
Dawn iż-żewġ karatteristiċi ta' Mark Micallef jassiguraw għażla unika ta' ritratti li jiflu kull dettall minn dawn il-festi tagħna li żgur se jkunu aprezzati minn kull min għandu għal qalbu l-patrimonju ta' pajjiżna. L-għan ewlieni tas-sensiela hu li tgħin lill-qarrej japprezza aktar il-ħidma ta' tant u tant voluntiera li jissagrifikaw sigħat twal mill-ħin liberu tagħhom biex mhux biss jiggarantixxu l-livell ta' eċċellenza li qed jintlaħaq fil-festi tagħna iżda fuq kollox biex b'ħidmiethom juru li l'Alla l-imbierek jixraqlu l-aqwa u l-aħjar.

Undoubtedly Maltese festas have evolved into an important element of Malta's identity. Regardless of their creed tourists visiting Malta are always struck by these multi-faceted rituals as hardly anywhere else in the world would they have encountered such manifestations. This book celebrates the splendour of Maltese festas by presenting the reader with an unfolding photographic representation that probes all aspects of the Maltese festa as popularl celebrated across the Maltese islands. This impressive collection of snapshots is the work of an accomplished photographer and festa enthusiast. These two characteristics have ensured a professional choice of focus in catching the best elements for portrayal. Mark Micallef's photographic eye with its penchant for sharp detail is indeed truly appreciative of the fascinating details behind the Maltese festa. The aim of this series is to instill in the reader a keener appreciation of the work of the legion of volunteers who sacrifice long hours of their limited free time not only to guarantee an excellence of festa celebration unrivalled the world over but also to express their conviction that God Almighty deserves the best that man's genius can ever produce in His honour.

Werrej / Contents:
Messaġġ mill-Eminenza Tiegħu l-Kardinal Prospero Grech / Message from His Excellency Mons. Joseph Mercieca Archbishop Emeritus of Malta
Ilwien lil hinn minn xtutna minn Andrew Borg u Mark Micallef / Colours beyond our shores by Andrew Borg and Mark Micallef
Il-Qima tal-Knisja Lejn ir-Relikwi tal-Qaddisin u t-Translazzjoni Tagħhom Kitba tar-Rev. Kan. Jesmond Manicaro S.Th.L.(Melit.)S.L.D.(Ans.) / The Veneration of Relics and the Feast of their Translation by Rev. .Can. Jesmond Manicaro S.
Festa tat-Trinità Qaddisa il-Marsa / Feast of the Holy Trinity Marsa
Festa tal-Qalb Imqaddsa ta' Ġesù il-Fontana Għawdex / Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Fontana Gozo
Festa ta' Marija Annunzjata Ħal Balzan / Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lady Balzan
Festa Tal-Madonna Tal-Karmnu Il-Balluta / Feast Of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Balluta
Festa ta' San Ġużepp il-Qala Għawdex / Feast of St Joseph Il-Qala Għawdex
Festa Ta' Santa Marija Il-Qrendi / Feast Of The Assumption Of The Virgin
Festa tal-Konverżjoni ta' San Pawl Ħal Safi / Feast of the Conversion of St Paul Ħal Safi
Festa tal-Madonna taċ-Ċintura il-Gudja / Feast of Our Lady of Consolation Gudja
Anniversarju u Ċelebrazzjonijiet Speċjali Matul l-2013 / Anniversaries and Special Celebrations in 2013

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