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Being a parent today

Being a parent today

Code: 9781860827860

€ 3.80


Publisher: Catholic Truth Society
Size: 10.5x14.8cm



Being a parent today is a huge privilege and a daunting challenge. It raises so many questions about how to love your children how to live your family lif and how to pass on your Catholic faith.This booklet gathers together the experiences of different mothers, fathers, teachers and priests. It is not a list of rules but a collection of ideas and practical suggestions that will help you reflect on your vocation as a parent and draw closer to your children.In straightforward language it deals with topics such as spending time together listening discipline forgiveness school prayer Sunday Mass sex education the internet family celebrations and much more. Fr Stephen Wang the editor
is a priest in the Diocese of Westminster. He works at Allen Hall Seminary and has written A Way of Life for Young Catholics for CTS.This booklet is published in ascociation with Ten Ten Theatre an award-winning educational theatre charity with a Catholic ethos working in schools parishes and prisons throughout the UK.

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